Time to chill

Well the course is done and dusted, got my certificate and then ran away as fast as my wee legs would carry me. Came back to the Glasgow and gutted the house, (my kids have a greater tolerance to mess than I have)
A mixed day of highs ( course end ) & lows (my best work mate texted to say that his mother has only months to live due to cancer) he is such a nice chap and doenst deserve this but he is strong and I will keep lighting candles for him. At least she will be at home with her family and will get the help of these wonderful MacMillan nurses who are worth their weight in gold
This evening I went out for a meal in a wee place in Partick called St Lous and I have to say it was a great wee place, good service, war, good food. All going well till the live music began. Why do these guys have to crank the volume up to a level that makes your heard want to burst? He wasnt too bad but his loudness got in the way! Staying in Glasgow tonight as tomorrow #1 daughter and I go to get the Christmas tree and will put it up then its off back home to Argyll for me
Have a good time all

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