A day & a half!

Well what a day! Got woken up at 6am with battering rain and howling winds.
Trooped off to my bloody course cursing the day I agreed to do this, doubly so as it was my turn to do my final lesson. Everyone had just settled down after the first chap had done his and then came my turn. Up I stood tall and proud! opened my mouth to say As mo dheidhe (after me) an guess what?...the fire alarm went off! The building was full and being brand new they took this seriously especially when a wee wifey came rushing in shouting "this is not a drill, get out!" Me being me I grabbed my jacket and followed everyone out where we were to assemble under a flaming bridge!

No seriously ! who shelters under any Glasgow raiwlay bridge? NO ONE in their right mind because within ten minutes we were covered in pigieon shit!! Talk about having a shit day!The squeal of sirenes could be heard and along charged two fire tenders and out jumped the most georgeous firemen on the plantet, (pigeons forgiven) AFter about 20 mins we were told we could go back in. I had my doubts about going back for two reasons, A) having to give the damn class and B) earlier I had felt the building shake with each gust and was very dubious that our shiny new building was all it was cracked up to be and guess what? I was right!
Back in our room one of the glass panels which also doubled up as a door had come free, all our stuff was in chaos, everything was soaked (except my jacket , ha ha as I had the foresight to be the only one to grab her jacket)
I just wanted to get the lesson over with and get to Hell out of there before it blew in!
WE moved to another room and I began and went at such a gallop that I knocked 15 mins off my allocated time! Needless to say I did make a pig's ear of some bits but by then no one was caring what bloody language they spoke , they too just wanted to escape. Finally after I finished the BAG (Born again Gael) that was running the course called it a day but not before he kindly gave me my certificate. Wheee .
I still need to go back tomorrow (if the building is still there!) to be part of the audience etc but at least I will be more chilled. What have I learned? I have learned and the chap indeed confirmed it, if you are over 45 years of age....DON'T try to teach this method of language teaching. Leave it to the younger Gaelic speakers and I can guarantee you they will do a sterling job, but its not for us oldies and I think the same may indeed applies to learning it.

Anyhows I got my certificate, the window blew in, one of the toilet doors came off its hinges and some of the roof panels looked very dodgy . I would be asking whoever built it for my money back

Stay safe as its wild out there guys. My picture is of the trees at the museum of transport bending over and the wind was so strong I couldnt get any closer to the tall ship or I would have literally been blown away by Hurricane Bawbag!

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