This day

By snapper

Tree day

Today thank God I got a long lie though some nupty phoned me at 7'00am! I didnt anwer cause my brain was mince!
Finally about 10.30 left the warmth of my bed and went tree hunting, eventually we found one near Anniesaland, took it home and decorated and it has to be the tackiest tree in snooty Hyndland! Baubels, lights, tinsel you name it we have it.
Went to see my pals tree and her's is the epitomy of elegance! we don't do elegance! decided to stay one more day in Glasgow so cooked a stupendously delicious spaghetti bolobgnaise for #1 daughter and her pal.
Today's pic is of my friends daugthter and out two dogs, I thought it was rather a nice shot
Going home tomorrow

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