michigan man

By outdoorguy

Sandhill Cranes

A sad day in our household and family.

My mother-in-law lost her battle with cancer last night. She died about 5 p.m. My wife and her 2 sisters are making funeral arrangements right now.

I think she was 86 years old. She had a great run at life until about 2 years ago. Cancer was then discovered in her breast, and has since been found in her stomach and abdomen. She lost her appetite, and started losing weight.

It's terrible to watch those you love in any kind of struggle at all. She really wanted to go back to Florida...where she has wintered for many years. Even 2 years ago, she was in a womens golf league down there, and hit the links any chance she could. She was remarkably consistent, and even beat me once.

She was a great gal, and warmly embraced me into her family. She also provided me with a wonderful wife.

The cycle of life sometimes hits you right between the eyes. It's so much fun to be able to watch my 1 year old grandson as he grows and learns, but you just know that your'e going to lose people on the other end. It really stinks but I'm afraid it's unavoidable.

The little picture is from 1997 and was taken in Yellowstone National Park. That is me and my wife on the right, with her parents on the left. I"m not quite sure how heaven works...but I'm hoping she is meeting her beloved Dickie-Bird on the first tee. She beat him a few times, too.

Mom...may you rest in peace...with a brand new glorious cancer-free body. Amen.

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