Natures Decorations

The day dawned dark and dreary, but at least it was up to 42 degrees F. Just cold enough to be mad at myself for forgetting my gloves, and just cold enough to fog up the viewfinder when I stuck my eyeball into it.

I finally felt well enough to hit our local nature preserve. 150 acres...4.3 miles of trails. I walked 2.68 of them. Besides 2 humans and 3 dogs...I only saw one other living talking thing. A duck. The one dog (a lab) kept running back and forth between my legs. "Scratch his back! He wants his back scratched!" As much as I love dogs...I still think the owners probably should obey the leash rules.

Natures decorations were out in force. I HATE it when people talk about themselves in the 3rd person...but...Timmy liked. Timmy liked the berries, the fungi, the mosses, and the lichens. Still some color left, but you have to really look for it. I put some more of it on my Flickr page. Didn't think to shoot the Lab.

Besides making some nice drips...the recent rain made for some "soupy" spots on the trail. Glad to report that Timmy stayed on his feet.

Forgive me for the foray into the 3rd person foolishness. Won't happen again.

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