michigan man

By outdoorguy

O Christmas Tree...O Christmas Tree

Guess how many poinsettias make up this Christmas tree? (Answer later.) The winner (who has to guess exactly) will recieve a 4.5" pot size flower. The catch? You have to pay for postage and handling ( almost feels like a QVC program.)

This "tree" is in the front lobby of the hospital where I wheel-chair my doctor around. It stands 25 feet tall, and has a self-watering system that waters each individual plant. After the holidays...they pass out the flowers to patients as they are dis-charged. I'm glad they have the red ropes around it...because I felt like rushing the tree, and hitting it at the 4th-5th level with my best tackle. Just to see what would happen. Maybe I'll suggest it to the hospital staff. It could be a You-Tube sensation. You know what they say..."Any publicity is good publicity."

The first time I saw it I wanted to be one of the volunteers, but I've only come up with 2 lines. As visitors came in...I would say..."Do you need to sit down? Let me points you to a nice seatta." Then...as they were ready to leave...I would say..."OK folks...thanks for coming. POIN-SET-TA-TA." It would make them think twice about coming back.

In back of the tree are the individual plants. They range from a 4.5" pot for $4.99, to a 10" pot (5 plants) for $34.99. I found out they have their own nursery less than a mile away. Also in the lobby... (but out of the picture) is a grand piano playing Christmas carols without a piano player. I set down on the stool, put out a Miracle Whip jar that I always carry with me, and acted like I was playing. The tips started pouring in. "Thank you. I'll be here until the 24th." (That last playing part is fabricated.)

I know the suspence is killing you. There are...(Drum Roll)...730 poinsettia plants making up the tree. Let me know if you nailed it, and I'll make a trip to the Post Office. Merry December!!!

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