michigan man

By outdoorguy

7 Swans a-Swimming

I can't believe I've referenced the 12 Days of Christmas song 2 days in as row. I try not to hate anything...but I harbor extreme dislike for that song. I think they should wind down to the end of the song by singing... 2 turtle doves...and 1 old-timer vom-it-ing. It does make me want to barf. My Uncle Chuck used to have one of the grandkids sing it at our family dinner. WHY CAN'T THERE BE ONLY FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS?

Actually...there weren't 7 swans. There were only 5. It's rare that I see more than a pair. The only thing I can think of is that this is a family, and mom and pops have not sent the children on their way yet. I see the 2 "dirty" swans as maybe a couple of teenage boys who haven't quite figured out the cleaning process, or perhaps just don't care what they look like.

I gave blood yesterday, and the nurses told me to take it easy today. Who am I to argue against sound medical advice? Lots of rest and lots of fluids. I'm drinking Sierra Mist Cranberry. It's already red...just in case my body has to turn the liquid into the blood that I donated.

I gave what they call a Double Red yesterday. New in the last few years. The nurses take out a double portion of red cells, then return the plasma along with some saline. A really weird feeling when they return the liquid. As Garth says in Waynes World..."I get a funny tingly feeling...all over." A tingle from your toe tips to your red lips. I had to have the young pretty volunteer girl lead me by the arm over to the snack table.

Now you see why I have to rest. I just put a small beef roast in the oven...followed later by some carrots and taters. A quick nap...and then the Detroit Lions on Sunday Night Football. Sounds like a plan.

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