Ramblings of Ray

By CrayzyDaisy

Snow above the Gare Loch

It's a snow-go today. Our first real covering of the white stuff appeared overnight together with a drop in temperature that will require layers when we venture out as we willlater in the day.
Next week we plan to make the journey to Yorkshire for Christmas with Kev, Sammy and their four youngsters, so today we'll begin the Christmas Wrapand make the lists that we will inevitably need prior to packing the car.

Christmas with children is very special. We'll come home afterwards a bit tired but thoroughly boosted by the buzz that surrounds this time of the year. The occasion will pass in an instant and we'll be back home waiting to welcome in yet another New Year.

For now, it's on with the layers, time to scrape the car and head out appropriately clad for our Monday shop!

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