A confused genius

By Lez11

Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Today was the start of Christmas shopping, so much to buy with so fee ideas of what to buy. Starting to think everyone will be getting money in their Christmas cards again this year. Why are men useless at buying not only Christmas but birthday presents?

To my surprise I ending up buying nealy £300s worth of presents and I've now got virtually everyone ticked off my present list. Doesn't look like I will be doing my last minute Christmas eve shopping with my sister this year.

My sister, fiancé and my little niece came round mine to help me put up my Christmas tree and decorations this afternoon, (after spending an additional £40 on decorations today on top of the presents I already bought). Playing christmas tunes putting up the tree and dec's has definatly put me in the Christmas mood. I think this will only last until I get my next bank statement.

I might roast some chestnuts and have a nice glass off mulled wine to finish off a very festive and enjoyable day.

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