All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Winter Wonderland

Day 4 of Centre Parcs holiday

Busy, busy day today.

Hubbie made the most of having the bicycles and cycled with Ethan in the trailer to the shops this morning to buy some tea-bags. Of course they came back with loads of things but no tea-bags!

Mid morning, we all cycled again to the the Horse & Carriage area where we had a festive ride in the carriage to Santa's Woodland Workshop. Ethan & Eden got to meet Santa and we got family photos taken with him.

Then lunch at Bella Pasta again before cycling back to the villa. It's only 5 minutes on the bikes but both Ethan & Eden were worn out by now and fell asleep on the way back. Transferred back into the villa, they carried on sleeping ... and sleeping ... and sleeping! Finally at 4pm they stirred and we all went swimming again. By the time we got back it was well after 6pm, but as we'd had a late lunch they managed a late dinner too, before bath and bed.

What a fun day!

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