All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

This used to be my playground ...

... until the snow came along!

It has only been 4 days since the snow started but it seems like a lot longer. The BBC weather website has said for the past few days that "light snow" was forecast. Their idea of "light" must be different to mine, lol! When Ethan & I went out for this mornings walk, the snow was over my knees in some parts of the pavement! Also for anyone who saw my blip yesterday of my car, it is now covered by a good few inches more today! Ethan normally goes to a swimming class on a Wednesday but we didn't even try to get there today.

Again, Ethan fell asleep in the Baby Bjorn whilst we were out and slept for an hour on the sofa when we got home.

After lunch we went for a cuppa at another neighbours house. She has a wee boy who is 3 months younger than Ethan. Usually Ethan is quite sociable with other babies but today he was more interested in trying to get to my neighbours fireplace to play with the coals! (He does the same in our house and a fireguard is top of our list of things to buy as soon as we can)!

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