Into the fog

Blasted the work today in order to avoid bring two boxes of marking home. Have managed one full set in school today in my non contact time in addition to planning Monday's lessons and teaching today's lessons.

At points it has been a struggle, with one of my year 11 groups arriving to find me stood against the door, literally for support, taking every bit of self restraint not to weep with the pain. Basil has surpassed himself today - the worst pain I have been in since post-op in October.

Fortunately, I knew that I would have a pleasant hour after work when Fisherking and I ventured over to the Village for a coffee and blipmeet with LeeAnne (Daily Wanderings) and friend. Was a lovely hour, in the warm, with me eating cake and all of us drinking coffee. Lovely company and one of those situations where I actually felt at ease straightaway. Doesn't happen often, so was a refreshing change.

The photo is of one of the employees who was looking distinctly mafioso, stood at the top of the steps with his black coat, shaved head and black gloves, looking out into what had developed into a real pea-souper of a fog. That made driving home very very interesting, particularly with the old geezer who decided that the white chevrons between two slip road lanes was obviously an extra lane...he belted up between two legitimate lanes of traffic, accelerating fast, with brake lights clearly lit up ahead of him. He slammed on and swerved into my lane, just in front of me. Clearly oblvious despite much angry beeping of horns from other drivers. Me, i was just stunned as only half an hour previously we had been discussing motorway muppetry.

I consoled myself by going shopping for wool, to discover that the lovely stuff I have been knitting with was on offer, so I got £80 worth of wool for £38. Am going to be knitting for weeks now :-)

Arrived home to find Kay and Danny's wedding album waiting for me. That has now been delivered to them and they seem to be happy with it, so that's another job jobbed.

Now, wine o'clock then bed. I am exhausted.

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