Ducks and dreams


We went East today to visit Vik and the Chaos Bros. The bros were all at home due to the public sector strike action, so it was a busy house! We headed to Birnie Loch to feed the ducks and have a walk. Kerr has never fed ducks before. This sounds terrible that he is over 2 years old and he has never fed the ducks. The main reason is that whenever we are somewhere where there are ducks, Fudge is always with us. There is no chance the ducks would even get a crumb of bread because Fudge would get it first!

Bro 4 as you can see ate most of his bread himself :-) Fudge would get on well with him. Kerr eventually resorted to eating the bread himself too, it must have been too tempting.

Lots of mud and laughter later, we headed back for some lunch and playtime.
A lovely time was had - thanks for having us over! Kerr had a great time and was a little mesmerised by all the noise and activity to start with, but soon settled in and loved playing with all the toys.


Kerr woke up crying this morning, which is unusual. Kerrsdaddy brought him through to us as it was 6.45 am and we were about to get up anyway. He started telling us all about a 'tato' which 'Fudgey ate it and my running to get it back' The 'tato came from Daddy's monitor bag and looked like a monitor'
It seems that Kerr dreamt about a potato which was shaped like a baby monitor and which Fudge had in his mouth so Kerr was running to get it back from him. Bizarre!
It's the first time we have ever been aware of him remembering his dreams. He asked me what a dream is and I told him it is his brain in his head thinking of things and making up stories while he sleeps. That is the simplest way I could put it.

Tonight we were collecting Kerr from my parent's house and he was telling them about the tato dream and it being in his head. They were very confused!
He then gave goodbye hugs to Gran and said 'What you wearing, oh a lovely dress' as he stroked her skirt. Little charmer!

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