
Kerr seems to have inherited my habit of sticking my tongue out when concentrating! I remember when I was at school my friends used to tease me about this :-)

We were looking at photos on my laptop this evening (Kerr always asks to look at photos, it's one of his favourite things to do) and saw ones from our holiday in Wester Ross in the summer. Kerr suddenly decided he wanted to draw, and said he was drawing the holiday house we stayed in.

Some funny things Kerr has been saying this week are:

'Hmmm. That's strange.' He said this yesterday when he picked up the control panel for the central heating. He kept saying it over and over, with a very pronounced frown / puzzled look on his face.

'That's not very clever.' He said this to Fudge when Fudge walked through a big puddle. I don't know if he has picked it up from my parents yesterday or from something he has been watching on TV, but it's very funny to hear him coming out with these little phrases.

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