as seen

By jankerman

Windy Sunday Morning

It was bright and windy this morning , I treated myself to an extra hour in bed after the exertions of the last two days. Then upto the yard to muck Millers stable out ( he was turned out to grass, so wasn't affected by my layin). When the work was done I took a trip down memmory lane and drove a route I use to ride on April a mare we had before Miller and Skippy. It runs along the ridge above the yard on the edge of the Wold top, I have posted a couple of shots here the first shows despite the haze the comanding view from this Wold top farm house, while the other two show Great Givendale Church and its setting. But I just had to blip this straw stack! the sheeting was making a real din and the movement was vast and erratice, I did come across this event once on April ( the stack is in the same place every year ) and we did get past it, I would not like to try on Miller, and Skippy would have freaked out completely! Hope you all have a great day :-)

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