All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The earlybird

Here was I thinking the 5 something o'clock wake ups from Ethan were behind us. Oh no - 5.45am today he was up! As long as he has a lie-in tomorrow for Mummy & Ethan day then I'll let him off!

He's still got a cold and I think isn't really feeling himself as he was a bit tetchy today when I tried to get him ready for nursery. Apparently he had a great day when he was there though. I watched him through the window for a few minutes when I arrived to pick him up this evening and it was great to see him larking around and having such fun with his pals and the staff there.

Hubbie did bath and bedtime routine with him tonight as I went out to Whitburn for my monthly eyebrow wax. Ethan was asleep in his cot by the time I got home, tucked up with tons of cuddly toys, a book and hubbies remote controlled car!!

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