Friday Foto

By drmackem

Hewenden Viaduct

I found myself with company of a 2nd medical student this morning, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, he marvelled at things that I no longer find marvellous, and we did have fun learning(in his case) and remembering (in my case) about the brachial plexus and related injuries. My daughter is doing medicine too in Newcastle also 2nd year and phoned me last weekend - "what is it about the brachial plexus dad everyone is so stressed about it" I informed her that it was a time honoured tradition for medical students to get stressed about learning it and to not be over confident and so let her chosen profession down. So I was reassured to encounter an appropriate amount of fear, bemusement and wonder this morning at it all.

So for todays blip I stopped the car where I took yesterdays blip and turned round 180deg to take a shot of Hewenden Viaduct. Built in the 1880's as part of the then impressive rail network in this country. It's nice that it is maintained despite the end of the rail line around here early in the Beeching rail reforms. It now just sits there all bold and majestic and hosts a Sustrans bicycle route on top.

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