Off Centre

By RachelCarter

More walk less photo

(Entry number 95 in 95 days)
Sorry. Another tree.
It's all I've got.
That's a good sign today. It means I've been reasonably active.
I love it when my brain, legs and energy all pull together and make things happen.

I managed some yoga stretches (and sweating) this morning, for the first time in ages and then did some actual shopping. I've felt too drained to do anything much for a while and have been really fed up. I'm taking lots of omega 3, eating lots of red fruits and berries and have stayed off wine for ... er... Too long! I'm also trying to go to bed early and hopefully it's working.

We finally used some vouchers, that Richard's parents gave us last Christmas to spend in a lovely local cookshop. We both love kitcheny stuff and gadgety gubbins so it was actually quite exciting having a little fiddle together (What?)
I also found a half-price dress in town that I thought would look lovely on our daughter and it does. I felt like the dad in Pretty in Pink when he turns up with a dress that's not much but he knows his lovely daughter will make something of it and look lovely - and she did and she does.

This afternoon we went for a stomp-with-not-much-stopping. Sometimes you just feel like getting exercise and not farting around with a camera. So I took this tree photo just after we set off, and then enjoyed the fresh air.
Got back to bills, just enough time to open and close my OU book, and then make a hurried hotpot because eldest daughter is officially picking up her GCSEs this evening.
Still struggling with the poetry section of my course book. It seems I'd rather do almost anything else at the moment.
Did these poets of the thirties realise how much grief they would give me, and how bored and fed up I would be when they wrote these bloody poems? I can remember thinking, 'Oh... Perhaps Literature isn't for me,' when I was 17/18 because it was absolutely no bloody fun.
It took twenty years before I realised it was for me after all.
Silly old buggers.

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