Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Comfy Cosy Devoniness

Yes, Devoniness is a word!
Of course it is

Can I uncross my fingers now?

I'd like to thank Devon and Autumn, the clouds and the sky, Mother Nature, the dog for needing walking, Richard for driving us to the woods (and not leaving me there) and just general fresh air and hilly slopes for making me feel human (well - ish), and the RSPB reserve at Chapel Woods.... well for just being there, man... sniff
(Oh, and Egypt, of course. Did you spot the trees pretending to be pyramids?)

I was supposed to be reading about Auden and Betjeman today. It turned me into a teenager again. I felt myself getting very cross that Auden deliberately wrote obscure, difficult to decipher poetry - almost as if to say, 'If you're not intellectual enough you can't enjoy poetry.' Fortunately I don't think this about all his poems but I'm struggling with the snobbery of what I've been reading (or avoiding reading today).
So instead I wrote a blog post. Unpleasant tasks are good for getting my creative side knocking at the door.

You can read it if you like. It's all about being creative as much as possible. You get a mention dear Blipfoto : A Voice Released: Responsibility Planets

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