A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A handy snack

A companion piece to last week and a much better effort from me as I made sure I found time to obey the written instructions and the unwritten one to scoff it right down. A gorgeous little taste of Christmas. November maintenance month continues and steps up a gear as my big work thing planned for December has been postponed until the new year which has allowed a whole heap of things to be added to my list.

So today I have run errands around Chiswick, including a dull visit to the bank*, the purchase of a new toilet seat (not yet fitted but how hard can it be?) and paint for A's bedroom. Back home, quite a chunk of Christmas presents bought, the oven cleaned, and a start made on painting A's bedroom.

And in good handyman tradition I have drunk A LOT of tea.

My cooking skills deserted me though as J rejected my dinner offerings. Oh well, you can't win 'em all.

Just the programme to do for the school Fair and I can collapse into bed. All this manual labour is exhausting. That and my tap class mean I am expecting a deep, deep sleep tonight.

Lesley x

*we make exactly the same transfer to a Spanish bank account every month - why oh why do they insist on me going in to do it manually? And why does it take so blooming long? Yawn, yawn, yawn...

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