Friday Foto

By drmackem

There be a dragon in those woods

Honest I saw a dragon, but he/she wasn't too photogenic (actually I wasn't very skillful) so you will have to wait for another day. You'll also have to make do with another back lit leaf picture, though given the rate of leaf drop in the woods today there will not be many more to endure from me for a few months.

I think this blipping is good for me.

I never usually take lunch break, the crumbs in my key board tell a story of advice not followed. The commitment to blip though is getting me out for a few minutes and I am better for it.

Today I parked up by St Ives and wandered into the woods. I have not been here for a decade despite driving past to and from work. The smell of autumn, a hint of a wood fire, the crunching of leaves and that dampened quiet make this a special place. Returning to the car I met someone I know from work who has been having a tough time with loss, we were pleased to see each other. She was out with the dogs we agreed that this was a good place to come to just to be.

Whilst on my own I found two ladies of the wood and the afore mentioned dragon, I just hope it isn't the fire breathing type or the woods will be gone next time I want to blip there.

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