Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

A lot to blip about!

Today I have got a lot to blip about. Well, I blipped at 12.30am yesterday and the trouble with early blips is ........................ a lot can happen in more than 24 hours.

Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who commented on my fabulous floorboards blip. We stayed up till about 2am taking up the carpet and then finished off the job yesterday morning. When we'd finished we sat and admired the floor and just thought WOW this is fabulous?! Thank you to everyone who has given Ann advice on how to treat the floor and for those of you who are concerned about me going skiding about or my paws scratching it. We have decided to live with it like this until after Christmas when we will make a decision on how to proceed.

However today I have not been very well. I am feeling very poorly. You do not want to know about the sight that greeted Ann in the kitchen when she came home from work today. Suffice to say I have problems 'at both ends'??!!

Ann was going to take me to the beach for my afternoon walk but she didn't want me to swallow any sea because she thought that might make me feel worse so we decided to walk one of the paths that we have to survey for the public footpath survey that we are helping with. I didn't like this walk very much because part of the path went along by the little branch railway line to St Ives and I don't like the noise that railway lines make. Ann thinks I can hear things that she can't. Also I wasn't feeling very energetic so I just trotted along and didn't do any running.

On the way home we popped into Tescos to pick up a half price bottle of 'Baileys'. Ann is soooooooooooo taken in by advertising campaigns?! She thought it would be a nice thing to have for Christmas and apparently it's only half price for a few days - knowing her it won't last till Christmas?! I don't like Tescos. I had to sit and wait in the car and I wanted to be at home in my bed.

When we got home Ann said I could have a little bit of dinner and if I ate it all I could have some more. But I haven't eaten any of it. I'm not hungry. I just want to sleep so I've gone into my bed. Every now and then I get up and wander over to Ann and she cuddles and strokes me and asks me what's wrong but I can't talk so I can't tell her. Ann is worried about me. She says it's really difficult to know at what point she should call the vet. However I haven't been sick, etc for more than 3 hours now so maybe I'm on the road to recovery.

Tomorrow, if I am OK, we are going away for the weekend. We are going to Ifracombe in North Devon so that I can walk another 14 miles of the South West Coast Path. We are booked into a B&B that doesn't have wifi so I won't be able to blip for the next couple of days. However we should be home on Sunday night so will back blip then.

Thank you once again for all the 'handy hints' on yesterdays blip. And if you've managed to read to the end of this epic blip - well done. I know I'm only a collie dog but sometimes I have a lot to say?! LOL!

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