Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie


This is Ilfracombe - and I don't like it. There are far too many buses & skateboarders here. I don't like buses & skateboarders. I go mad at them, I pull on my lead and I bark at them, which makes Ann go mad at me.

She was not happy with me on my walk around Ilfracombe this afternoon. We are in Ilfracombe because I am going to be walking another 14 miles of the South West Coast Path. We arrived here at about 3.30pm so that I could have a nice long walk in daylight. We also stopped off at Bude on the way so that I could have a play on the beach.

I know I'm a lucky little collie to have such lovely weekends away. Ann tries really hard to make life nice for me, but today she was so fed up with me that she said she was going to swop me for a well behaved dog.

I don't want to be swopped!

.......................................So, as soon as I got into our B&B I just lay down to show how well behaved I could be. I haven't even eaten any of my dinner. In fact I haven't eaten anything since breakfast time yesterday.

Now Ann's stopped being mad at me and she's worried about me. I wasn't very well yesterday but apart from not eating, I've been my normal bouncy self today. We're walking 8 miles tomorrow so she says I need to build up my strength.

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