In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Where is this mysterious stairway and where does it lead to?
Well that depends whether you are going up them or down them. If you are going up, they take you to Union Street, them modern city center of Aberdeen; if you are descending them, them you will arrive at The Green, AKA The Merchant Quarter, or the medieval heart of the city.
The Green is the natural level of Aberdeen, whilst Union Street is a feat of technological genius, being constructed late 18th early 19th century. t is a mile wide and 4 lanes wide, with a third of it being a viaduct. Or correctly, part of a 3 part viaduct. The longest part. Bridging the Denburn Valley. when Union Street was built, so was King Street and Holburn Street, thus making the city almost bankrupt. Nothing new there then.
Meanwhile back down in The Green, we are in an area where once were friaries and palaces, not to mention market places.
Also in a darker part of our history, there was a house or place, which made our city an important, if that is the correct word, part of the American slave trade, and not in a good way.
Young Scottish boys were captured and held here before being sold as slaves, they were mainly indentured slaves, e.g. slaves for a limited period, by that I mean years, before being freed. But they were still slaves.
The most famous of these being a young lad who ended up being called Indian Peter., Please take time to read about him.

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