The Wren

By TheWren

Final curtain?

I make no apology for a further autumnal blip as there may be few chances left and it is such a gorgeous season.

It has been another dreich day here. However, I went to yoga this morning for the first time in about a month and it was such a relaxing and enjoyable hour and a half that the greyness ceased to matter.

The walk this afternoon wasn't wet so much as damp and the sky a very watery apology, although at one stage there was a glimpse of blue but not even enough for my camera to focus on! The glorious autumnal leaves are deep on the ground everywhere and although a bit squishy to walk through they have retained their colour and still kept my spirits lifted. Now, apart from the beech trees which hold on to some leaves until the spring, it is the larches which are reigning supreme. The needles have turned a rich shade of yellow ochre and their branches form soft graceful lines against the grey sky highlighted by the deep green of the neighbouring conifers and russet of the bracken in the foreground. Shortly, however, even they will become bare and we will have to accept that the next season is not far around the corner.

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