Winding down

This is supposed to be "winding down" time. It's not working. But at least the drums have gone to bed. I think I'm going to write this entry and then take Ben to bed and go to sleep myself.

If you've not seen yesterday's entry, there's the latest bump picture plus an update from the morning's antenatal appointment.

Am poorly today, it's proper rubbish!! Was up in the night hunting for painkillers and decongestant, and then a few hours later again because my stomach decided it was HUNGRY and my brain wouldn't shut up either. I ended up having a cup of tea (decaf) and a slice of toast and writing the obstetric consultant a letter (still in draft form) at 4am this morning. I think I need to get my feelings on the whole being induced early thing written down, away from the pressures of the consulting room. As much as yesterday's appointment was better than we expected, I didn't really feel like the registrar was actually listening to me: she was far too busy writing things down or talking at me and treating me like any other hormonal pregnant woman who might be scared of being induced. Which I'm not. I just want to be left alone!!

Anyway although my stomach and my brain shut up enough for me to go back to sleep after that, I have been pretty tired today. Steve was out at a men's prayer breakfast this morning, and almost as soon as he got home it was time to go out to a birthday party for one of Ben's friends. It was a bouncy castle party at a leisure centre and as such was really well organised! Ben loved bouncing on the bouncy castle as long as I sat on there with him. and he ate quite a lot of his lunch as well which I was impressed about. This is after him requesting pasta and cheese sauce for breakfast - and eating the lot. Growth spurt?! He could do with longer legs...

Steve's been working on our bedroom again this afternoon, and Blake came round later on to give him a hand. They've got the room ready for skimming next week which is brilliant. Skirting boards are on, holes all filled, door frame and architrave is up. Just needs a coat of watered down PVA and it'll be ready. At this rate we might get a family afternoon tomorrow afternoon which will be lovely.

I was a gifted a nap this afternoon which I sorely needed - I was at collapse point thanks to the brain not shutting up last night. Ben however tired he was, was not sleepy and I was really happy that Steve let him help fixing things! Ear defenders on, work shoes on, and let loose with his little wooden toolkit while Steve cut skirting down to size and fitted it! I think I'll have to go and inspect Ben's work - Steve says the newly plasterboarded walls bear Ben's mark, both from his little wooden hammer and from a pencil :0) Pretty severely too by the sounds of it! At least Ben was happy - he LOVES helping his daddy.

Boing, said Zebedee. Time for bed.

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