With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

How green is that valley?

It seemed that the reward was going to have come before the work. Making use of the extra hour, we watched the F1 (I have got completely out of the know) with some eggy pancakes and then set off for Alaro via the magnificent Orient road. How green is that valley? I decided that we should check out the score at Es Verrger, the restaurant at the end of a very wiggly steep road. We bailed out a very funny Australian family with a dodgy rental car on the way up with extra water. I got a bit sprayed by the explosive expansion tank (but at last we saved 'bunny towel' from a dirty job by lending Dad a few rags. His daughter was very relieved.) The score was, sit down where you can (thanks for the tip from the man I had warned earlier that he was about to take off his front bumper on a boulder) WHat goes around comes around.

Sopa Mallorquin and then shoulder of the lamb. Fab in the best seats in the house. The food appeared quickly enough. It just took an hour for coffee and the bill! Never mind. That meant we had a twilight walk up to the Castle of Alaro in time to see a spectacular sunset and that kind of semi jog downhill where you can't exactly see what you're going to put your foot on.

So the reward was an amazing view back down on the Orient valley, my mountains behind.

And now Mike has fixed up sounds for me in the sitting room and the computer can chug away upstairs aswell. We're listening to Ennio Morricone, partly for AKHF and mv, because they've missed a visit from Captain Mike and eating lamb in the place I've been meaning to take them to for years. He's off back to West Wales early tomorrow, but I hope I've shown him enough of this fabulous island to lure him back from time to time.

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