With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The American Road

A walk to the mirador. There was a slight drizzle at times, a gentle breeze, tiny fat olives, carob everywhere with their diamond strength seeds scattered among the stones on the path. I had to stop at every sheep and donkey to feed them before they rotted down in the rain. A couple have started a chain reaction up at the mirador with a lock fastened to the railings. Lets see how it grows. Does anyone know where this started? Is it Florence, Hungary or Paris?

Fornalutx was very quiet in the rain, which meant we had the restaurant totally to ourselves and the staff. Octopus and very hot arroz brut gave us the energy to get back down through Bininassi in the twilight with a new moon over the Coll. Superb.

A quiet evening watching American Beauty.

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