Evening walnut
This is a bit rubbish really. I could make the excuse that I left my camera at the site with lots of photos from today trapped inside... And that would be true, but they're all photos of rooms with shiny wet varnished floors, which is probably not very exciting.
Day two of the sander hire today (day one will appear when I manage to reunite camera, computer and brain) and we got on pretty well. The kids bedrooms are sanded and varnished three times and the kitchen twice. The living room, over which the ceiling is shedding paint like a sunburn victim sheds skin, has only been done once, so I have 'no entry' signs on the door (and the kitchen doors) so that workmen won't go getting dust in there before I'm done protecting the floors.
Home then for a very long hot shower and a fine dinner. I will be fast asleep by 9.
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