Sunset tree
Here's a view you might be seeing a lot of. I suspect this tree, in the west of our new garden, might pop up in a few 'argh I haven't taken a photo all day' shots.
Busy work day again, but in two halves. In the morning, we raced to the MBH, admired the beautiful kitchen floor, and were slightly taken aback by the streaky state of the living room floor. Finally, at the end of yesterday, I heeded Mr B's exhortion that we should work quickly (his pov in our quality debate on Saturday) and mopped a little too quickly. So now the whole room has to be redone. By me. Point proven, I think, though I'm feeling a little hoisted by my own thingy, if you see what I mean.
Anyway, more work sorting out how a shower will attach to the wall - which hurt my brain a bit to be honest. Then Mr B packed the car with all the useful tools, which he will need when he fixes our place in Scotland. Then off home for lunch and packing (for Mr B). He has a bizarre combination of jobs in the UK this next week or so: some high-falutin' business meetings (designer suit and tie and don't forget your business cards) and fixing the ceilings in a probably freezing cold house (work jeans and warmest lumberjack shirt, and don't forget your jointing tape). Also he'll hopefully get the car fixed (the one that's had no fan since July).
Meanwhile, I'm left with a list of jobs intimidating in number and type. This afternoon, with the kids sent off to wander the neighbourhood with a box of snacks (as a sort of reverse Hallowe'en, "we will not trick you, and also we bring treats"), I got stuck into shower building. Think Ikea furniture, with less clear instructions and enormous pieces of very breakable glass, and you'll feel my pain. Obviously I ignored the bit on the instructions that quite clearly showed two MEN (grrr) doing the construction. Two people would have been very handy when even my orang utan like arms were finding it hard to hold both nut and bolt on either side of a large glass shower side. Anyway, enough has been done that if the plumbers show up on Wednesday (as if) they can get on.
No-one will be working tomorrow as it's All Saints Day, so everyone will be heading up the local cemetary with Chrysanthemums or beering it up at the local cafe. Even I'm having a day off and heading into Castres to hang out with like minded folk.
You'll notice this is not a Hallowe'en blip. I don't really 'do' Hallowe'en unless it's really necessary. All it meant to me when I was a kid was that there'd be really scary films on which I'd have to watch or my brother and sister would think I was pathetic (I was; I am). The kids raced around and decorated the house when we got home... but I'm just glad we live so far out in the country this year that I don't even have to pretend to be out because no-one's coming calling.
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