Cowboy night
Lovely long evening last night with our guests. Discretion dictates that I don't relate any of the very amusing antics, but much fun was had*.
We took everyone into Ceret today for the market, where everything was in a different place because of a fair happening later. We managed to forage successfully though and had a lovely lunch down on the terrace in the sunshine. There was some successful and unsuccessful parental napping in the afternoon as the kids got themselves ready for Hallowe'en (being celebrated a day early).
Preparations included, of course, the pumpkin carving. But no easy 50p from Asda carving pumpkins for us... We ended up buying an organic pumpkin from the market (easily the most expensive vegetable I've ever bought and certainly the heaviest). With all that achieved we headed off down the river for a cowboy style cook-out with beans in a pot, sausages and baked potatoes. Marshmallows to finish, naturally.
Then slightly unseasonal sparklers (including a packet I bought in 1997 which were still fine) and a game with an apple and a piece of string which caused much hilarity. But not as much as the "dance with a malteser balanced on your ear" game. And after all that fresh air, a fairly early night was needed.
* Can't resist a little reminder to self of fat shins and licking fudge. (Sorry Jac.)
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