All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Just chilling, just swinging

After another awful night, I ended up going to see my GP today. He was really lovely and has signed me off for a fortnight. I've also been referred to a physio as I've been having lower back problems for weeks now and he's also going to get the Health Visitor to contact me to see if she can help with Ethan's erratic awful sleep patterns.

Ethan seemed pleased to see me when hubbie brought him back from nursery, although he made it blatently clear he didn't want to play in the house, but wanted to be outside. So, I took him down to the local playpark on his trike. One of our neighbours daughters was out playing on her bike and she ended up chumming us down and taking Ethan up and down the slide.

When we got home, dinner was ready. Again, I gave Ethan the choice of whether to sit on the grown up chair or the highchair. For the second night in a row he chose the highchair. Although he didn't eat all his dinner, he made a good attempt at it, ate pudding nicely too, before asking to get down. Am hoping we're on a roll here!

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