All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Feeling rather fuzzy

I often think that hangovers are caused as much by the lack of sleep as by the alcohol consumed. Not that I've had a hangover for a long time. But I'm so sleep deprived at the moment, I feel like I do most mornings!

Still trying to establish exactly what has caused Ethan's sleeping to go haywire. Whilst he has never been a 12 hour a night kind of boy, he did used to go to bed without a fuss and would usually sleep around 10.5 - 11 hours. These days it's tantrums galore at bedtime and if he's not up during the night, then the most consecutive sleep he'll do is 8 hours. I'm thinking we're going to have to do a form of controlled crying with him again which is weird cos it's round about this time last year we bit the bullet and did it first time round with him as a baby!

At least the cats are enjoying me being at home whilst I try to recharge my batteries and get back on my feet again. They're snuggling up on the sofa with me lots - at least they don't seem to have any problems falling asleep!

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