All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Blip daddies!

Ethan didn't even manage to make it to midnight last night before being up howling. Took hubbie an hour to settle him and then he did the early shift this morning too when Ethan woke for the day just before 6am. What a guy! I was so knackered I was in bed last night for 8pm and didn't get up today till ... errmmm ... 10am! Did me the world of good though I have to say!

After I finally emerged, Ethan & I made apple scones together. And what a mess of the kitchen we made haha!

Yesterday, Foreveryoung had been giving me some toddler discipline techinques to try with Ethan since we are having such a nightmare getting him to eat at the table. Today, when I gave him some toast as a snack at the coffee table in the living room, he grabbed the plate, marched through to the wee kids table in the family area, sat down and ate it there! At lunchtime when I asked if he wanted to sit in the grown up chair or the highchair, he chose the highchair (having been refusing to sit in it for months). He then sat really nicely, ate all his pasta and yoghurt with hardly any help and stayed there happily for a few minutes after he'd finished. This is a huge achivement for him and I really hope it's not a one off!

After lunch, I cut hubbies hair whilst Ethan looked rather bemused. He helped sweep it all up off the floor afterwards too!

We then drove over to visit Foreveryoung. Ethan fell asleep on the way there, hubbie successfully transferred him to Eden's cot and he slept for nearly 2 hours. While he was sleeping, MrForeveryoungs cousin and Aunt arrived for a wee visit. I think they enjoyed seeing Eden and Ethan too when he finally woke up!

After scoffing banana pancakes which hubbie made, we went to the Foreveryoungs local park. Ethan went on the zipwire with hubie and I think the Daddies secretly enjoyed taking their respective children on the see-saw too!

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