All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Tidying up the mess Mummy!

Well, well, well. After Foreveryoung having a really hard time with Ethan on Sunday night, he slept the best last night that he has slept for a long time! Not a peep out of him for 11.5 hours. Wonderful!

He obviously had such a great nights sleep that he decided not to nap at nursery for the first time ever. Apparently they tried for ages to get him to nap but he just wouldn't go to sleep so they gave up.

I took him to Sainsbury's for dinner again so we could keep out hubbies way while he carried on putting down the new flooring. Got home an hour later to find he had taken one step forward and two steps back! A trip to B&Q later and he now has a new jig-saw and is carrying on.

After Ethan's shower, he decided he wanted to "tidy up the mess Mummy" ... nice gesture but I thought he was going to need another shower by the time he had finished!

Again, Ethan seems to be sleeping through the noise and chaos and it's going to be a good few days more of this till it's all finished.

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