Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Lucy's first go at portraits..

actually,this is Lucy's first go at the big camera,she is a little thug you see and we don't let her touch anything worth over £20 ;). HOWEVER she did listen and did have the neck strap on etc .... So all in all she has not done a bad job of me and the Mr W.
Poor Lucy is STILL suffering,but lets gloss over that as I popped up to see her teacher for the parents evening and she is VERY good in class,just one thing to work on,times tables and that was it..... so she has had a snickers bar and two lollies,this is Lucy,not Miss Wright.. but she is a good girl too,it has to be said.
So I am a volunteer at the school disco tonight,the upper school and to be frank THEY ARE ALL INSANE .. and always very clammy at the end,the hall stinks and I will have a headache... but it always raises a good amount of funds for the school......selfless me...... :D

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I almost forgot... SUPERMARKETS and people who stand to close.. OH MY GOD... OHHH MY GOD... how can anyone move faster than the checkout person putting the goods through.. WHY,WHY,WHY stand so close... you cannot get through any faster... I do have a shocking confession about this whole area of discussion,I once lunged at a fellow shopper...and not in a good way,I was so,so,so enraged I went for her,like a bullet out of a Glock...I went mental... this vile vile woman could not have got closer if she had been up my backside and she did something that turns my stomach to this day.. SHE COUGHED in my hair and her spittle went on to my neck and in my hair and I lost it,I just wanted to kill her at the time... anyway,the security man came and rescued the woman,but to be fair the store assistant manager did sympathise with me ... I am unsure as to when he said that,if it was before or after I offered to kill him too.I have had people 'move' my goods so they can gain that extra centimetre... WHY.... you cannot move any faster.... my blood is boiling writing this..... I have had magazines ruined (don't worry,I don't pay for them I kick up a STINK) when people push their stuff on and a magazine has then been moved on to some sticky substance on the belt doooodahhh... and don't get me going on people who clip my heels with a trolley to again move 0.00006 of an inch.ALSO you stupid stupid people a check out girl is NOT RESPONSIBLE for prices or lost tickets.. LEAVE HIM OR HER THE HELL ALONE YOU PRATS !!!
I would just like to add that this is why internet shopping rocks,or I would be doing time in jail ... so up yours Tesco Stratford Upon Avon and your stupid shoppers I wish you all ill will.(except the bullied checkout staff,who I urge to rise up and club people with seasonal goods) xxx

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