Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Going all arty farty....

I went out on a dog walk with the family intending to do the girls leaping about like loons... but then I went all faffy about in the grass and decided to do a black and white naturey thing.
The silly bit about this blip is that is was VERY warm and the sun was out and I have made it look like a right crap day.
It was my Mums birthday yesterday but she was busy AGAIN ... awful woman... so I had to play catch up on sugar with her today :D
Lucy made her first ever batch of 'cake pops' yesterday,then she had to chill this particular recipe in the fridge over night,we decorated them this morning for Mum and Dad... bloody hell they are a bit rich !! (the cakes)
Anyway just in case they were vile (they most certainly were not though) we had a back up fresh cream Victoria sponge... so we ate all of it and the pops and Mum and I were sated :D

I am REALLY struggling to keep up with my replies on blip... I keep running out of time and end up replying late at night as I cannot bear to not reply to my blip friends,just for a little while I may have to turn comments off... just to play catch up xxxxxxxxx

Cake pops............

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