A Lane Near Me

Winter gear was donned today as the temperature dropped to uncomfortably cold levels.

While sad at the passing of the t- shirt season that masqueraded under the name of summer, I can't but be glad at the body disguise afforded by thick sweaters and heavy coats; all sorts of unwelcome body contours are sculpted into an acceptably uniform look giving the leeway for indulging in a few treats with the cups of coffee without seeing each of them mirrored in another layer of flab.

Of course the penance will have to be paid next spring when the clothing layers are removed, but I'll deal with that when the time comes.

Having realised in a moment of clarity yesterday that my running away nest egg was sitting an a building society accruing absolutely no interest whatever, and might as well be in a shoe box under my bed, I hiked to that district in Edinburgh famous for the people with 'fur coats and nae drawers", closed the account pocketed the cash, and acquired a shoe box.

It will make running away all that much easier; I must remember to renew my rail card.
His Lordship should be afraid, very afraid, although I suspect unfortunately that the opposite is true.

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