Eyes Left, Lads!

These teenage swans caused me some amusement this morning.

They seemed to have a rush of adolescent energy and took off from the party of older swans in a noisy flapping of wings up to the next bridge over the canal where they had second thoughts about going further, and settled back in the water to return in convoy to their elders and betters, taking the salute as they passed me.

I also had a rush of energy this morning. I don't quite know why; perhaps it was the absence of his Lordship away with the 'boys' up the hills or the fact that the sun was shining out of a nearly uniformly blue sky or maybe just a last gasp burst of adrenaline before I enter a winter coma.

Whatever reason, I did a spot of laundry before taking myself off for a walk along the canal with a cup of coffee and a read of the papers at the erstwhile home of the dead to help me on my way..

I have never walked along the canal before. I usually cycle, but the departure at last of my year long battle with plantar fasciitis has rekindled my ability to walk painlessly and without a limp.
You do see more at snail's space and without having to get on and off the saddle.

Once home I cleaned my bike and planted 3 bowls of daffodils: both tasks have been on my 'to do' list for some time.
The dirty windows will have to wait for a future burst of energy. It may be some time in coming.

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