The Scottish Government, or parts of it at any rate, announced a few weeks ago that they were to consult on the next generation of their "national intranet", yes that system with the somewhat optimistic name of Glow. They created a wiki to gather thoughts, and today they had a summit in Stirling.
I have read a little about what was discussed, but more stark for me as a parent is the fact that I would not even be aware of this "consultation" were it not for the chance of my job and associated connections.
What manner of consultation regarding the future education of our youngsters would not actively seek to involve their parents?
Worse still; after millions of pounds spent on Glow, the first (and perhaps only) phase of it's life already coming to an end, how many parents are not even aware of it? My own kids' school makes little or no use of it that they are aware - they think they were given logins but can't remember. Again, had I not already known of Glow, who would have told me?
So whether there is a Glow 2 or not (and I have already been chastised for calling it that, but I think we all understand what I mean) I can only suggest it will be a pointless waste of time and money if people don't know about it and use it!
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