Dubreyferkin Diaries

By StrictlyDavina

A Little Nest-Egg

But not of the money type, and no eggs either.

It was time this afternoon to empty the bird box ready for the winter. I always dread doing this just in case one chick has not made it, like last year. For the past two years we have had resident Blue Tits in the bird box. It is wonderful watching Mum and Dad flying out and coming back with food for the chicks. If I sit close enough without disturbing them I can hear the excitement of the chicks when food has arrived and it is a wonderful sound.

Happily, all chicks made the fledge this year and I breathed a sigh of relief. It still amazes me how a small little bird can create such a fabulous nest.

I was going to take a picture of the nest when it was out of the box but it broke. I'd say it was about 4 inches deep. Simply amazing.

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