
I think these pictures sum up my take on the idea of "nesting". I read something the other day (I've pasted it below) on the concept of nesting, and it really made me understand something about it that I've never really thought about before. It's not about getting ready, per se, y'know about decorating the nursery or redecorating the kitchen or cleaning every accessible surface (and the surfaces that are not so readily accessible), it's not about buying stores of baby clothes and nappies.

It's about feeling safe, and relaxed.

"All mammals seek a safe place to give birth. This "nesting" instinct may be due to an increase in levels of prolactin, which is sometimes referred to as the nesting hormone. At this stage, as you may have observed with your cat, interference which the nest - or more importantly with the feeling of safety - will stall the beginning of labour.

Even after labour has started, there are certain conditions that will slow, or even stop the process. If the fight-or-flight hormones are activated by feelings of fear or danger, contractions will slow down. Our mammalian bodies are designed to give birth in the wilds, where it is an advantage to postpone labour when there is danger, and to seek safety.

Many women have had the experience of their labour stopping when they entered the unfamiliar surroundings of a hospital, and some women can be as sensitive as a cat to the presence of an observer. Giving birth away from our natural environment can cause the sorts of difficulties for us that captive animals experience when giving birth in a zoo."

For some reason I was thinking about this when I walked back into my living room just now. And as I looked and surveyed the detritus, the plastic plates and bowls all over the floor, the cushions scattered not on the sofa but on the floor as drums, and the light and space that has been created recently and cleaned and made liveable in - I realised that I do feel safe and relaxed here. I feel very safe and relaxed. I am settled. I have my nest, and it is good.

As much as I feel ready, I just need Stephen to come home now :0) I wonder if our bodies respond to this feeling of being ready? If they do, then baby could be here any day..... still 5 weeks left though!

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