Occupy London

Withnail says balls to austerity - and demands to have some booze economic justice.

So, you know this global economic crisis they have nowadays? Well, as of today, there's a global protest movement to go with it, principally aimed at the utterly clueless gimps who have been entrusted (God only knows by whom cos no bugger asked me) with sorting it out.

Largely inspired by the ongoing Occupy Wall Street camp cities in the US and the massive austerity protests in Spain earlier in the year, London got its own Occupation today. We wanted to get in to Pasternoster Square, where the Stock Exchange is, but the Met (at the behest of the private landowners) weren't having any of it.

So we made do with the sunbaked steps of St Paul's cathedral instead. And many hundred of us are still there right now. Heck knows how long for - the Met don't usually tolerate this. But either way, this is the start of something.

Here's some more of Withnail- and his own Twitter feed.

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