
Today was World Food Day. Fittingly, we spent it checking out an apple harvest fayre in Kent, and then scrumping its windfall for provisions for the kitchen (where this was shot) at St Paul's where the occupation is still in full swing. The people at the farm also gave us some veg and a couple of boxes of shortbread to drop off.

After, sadly, predictably heavy-handed policing last night, the canon of St Paul's this morning requested the police leave the protestors be, and thus gave the camp a degree of legitimacy (it's the church's land, after all).

This was an exciting twist in the short story of this protest. I'm atheist, but am well aware of, and welcome, the role faith-based bodies usually play when justice movements achieve any kind of momentum. Like this writer on the website of theological thinktank, Ekklesia, I was wondering if and when the peaceful, anti-greed, pro-justice protestors might expect some sort of support from their unwitting landlords. I am glad to say it didn't take long at all. Now we hope it lasts.

When we left tonight, at about 8pm, there must have been around 100 tents, and hundreds of folk on the steps discussing and honing the (our) agenda.

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