
Down at the bottom of the deep blue sea
Catching fishies for my tea
Oh! Said the mummy fish, just look at that whale!
And all the little fishies turned on their tale....

Goodness knows where that's from. My dad sings it to Ben!

Ben took me "fishing" today, in our fishing boat. He did the driving. I swam to get my camera so I could take pictures of the views! He used his binoculars to look for birds and fish. We caught some fishies, and I had to pull Ben back into the boat as he fell overboard several times. Then he went swimming and turned into a frog.

That was an adventure!

The other blip candidate for today was this one but I figured you've seen enough pictures of Ben drumming really! He declared he was one of the Kodo men, drumming on the Big Drums. Legs apart, drumming on the sofa with pieces of train track. I can't wait for his birthday to let him have his birthday present of proper sticks - maybe all the makeshift "drumsticks" will finally get a rest!!

Mum and dad have worked hard today, tidying up, finishing bits off. Making it so that it's safe and liveable for me and Ben for when they go home tomorrow. Last things to do are to finish tidying the tools away, give the landing and back bedroom a final hoover, and put the carpet scraps back down along the landing. The cables in yesterday's blip (which was a composite, you don't think I'm actually clever enough to position the mirror that well do you?!!) have been tidied away to where they are meant to be, most of the floorboards in the back bedroom are cut to size and screwed down, the brambles in the back garden have been pruned well, all the rubble from the front garden has finally gone to the tip (yay!).

Ben and I slobbed and watched cbeebies. We needed it. I haven't felt sick today but I have been soooo sleepy-tired.

Last night, Ben, as predicted, woke up as I was nearly finished in the bath and wobbled his way down to the bathroom and stood there crying, holding his willy keeping the wee in, crying for me to get out of the bath to help him. Poor thing was barely half-awake - just awake enough to hold the wee in really. Once I'd quickly scrubbed and got out of the bath I helped him take trousers and pants off and had to help him sit down on the potty as well because he was wobbling so much! That was a BIG wee he was holding in. Well done Ben. Back to bed after that, although absolute refusal to put pyjama bottoms on or take any other clothes off so he spent the night wearing just his teeshirt and his socks. I counted it as a result that I managed to get him to put his pants on to come down for breakfast this morning...!

Steve landed safely in Hong Kong this morning at about 6.30am (about 1.30pm there) and has spent the afternoon wandering round occupying himself before he could legitimately have dinner and go to bed. It has rained in HK. And been very humid. And now he is hopefully fast asleep, getting ready to catch the ferry to Zhuhai in the morning to visit the factory there. No free time in HK :0( ah well. Been nice to be able to Skype him lots.

Teatime now. I've had a sleep, Ben decided he was tired and came up to have a sleep, so I will have to go and wake him up in a few minutes to see if he will have some dinner. 6pm was ok for him to go to bed but not 5pm really. He needs to wake up again and have dinner and get pyjamas on before going to bed tonight!

Dentist tomorrow morning :0( New one as well: the lovely lady who has been looking after me for the past 4 years and getting to know just how scared I am has left.... really hope this new one is friendly at least. But it's necessary. More tooth has fallen off and I know I need a few fillings. At least it's free at the moment! Silver linings and all that.....

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