
Has been a good day today.

On a roll with housework this morning and got a load of laundry done, Steve gave the garden its autumn haircut, Charley fell asleep on Steve during an IT support phonecall, Ben got to play with his lego, the preschool dropoff involved Ben being a super-happy Tree Fu Tom all the way down the road (he said he was in a silly mood - I do love that boy!), I found treasure in a charity shop in the form of a new-to-me skirt which I am declaring an early birthday present as it's so perfect, I've been brave and rung a bell for entry into a designshop which I might beg for birthday money to go and spend on art materials there, I've found some new shoes for Charley (but am waiting for a smaller size to see if they engulf his feet slightly less), and I've been brave a SECOND time in one day and gone into the chinese supermarket round the corner for the first time since we moved here three years ago. I'll be going back. Nappies have been stripped (they were beginning to try to gas me with noxious ammonia fumes), Steve fixed kickboards up under the kitchen units and a handful of spiders were evicted, and we went for a walk for a chip supper in the dark.

Oh and Charley took his proper first steps today (as opposed to just lunging for things). Two of them! Might have been more but Ben came and took hold of his hands and they walked across the room together laughing hysterically instead :)

This is the older two of my boys (they can already walk can Ben and his daddy), on our way to the chip shop in the dark. Ben was swinging his torch around so much that it made me dizzy and made Charley burst out laughing!

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