By ANDY597


Nothing much to report today apart from I think I am getting the lurgy, probably a result of being in the contamination clinic yesterday:

My camera has mysteriously fixed itself and the highlight of my day has been waiting for the boiler repair man to arrive.

He was telling me as he was drinking his coffee that the posher the house he went in, the less likely he was to get offerred a cuppa. I consider myself working class, but what is it your trying to say here big man, are you trying to imply that my humble abode isnae up to your usual standards or what ?

Just fix ma boiler and gees ma biscuit back......No I dont care if youve licked the kitkat, gees it back.

More paperwork arrive for the car insurance people and it takes me ages to fill it out as my right hand intermittendly keeps going numb making me write like a four year old with a broken crayon.

I left hand surf the internet ( no, not that kind of left hand surfing), looking at replacement cars.

Strangely the hand going numb-er ( is that how you spell numb-er as it sound like number when I read it back in my head) is more annoying than the shoulder pain, although I can hear that go click when I rotate it which cant be good.

Other than that nothing really to report apart from an impending element of boredom. I cant understand why people can sit at home on the rock n role for months, years, or perhaps havent worked a day in their puff.

Why should I be paying for these people who are perfectly physically able and competent enough being in sound mind and body for them to sit at home. I firmly believe that a certain group of people such as the elderly and the infirm should receive assistance and I also recognise that there is genuine cases in every village, town and city that needs our help.

However, to the dole biting scum out there, go and get a job, it wont kill you and there will be more in the pot to go for the needy people. And if your one of those people, if youve got time to read this far into the blip, then youve got time to log onto the job centre website as its about time you paid for your own internet access.

Here Here to the hard working people of poland, or otherwise Eastern Block origins for taking the jobs that these dolites are too lazy to take. I salute you and in return you shall share in our health care, education system and have good teeth.

Rant over.

The bairn and I build towers out of duplo and she breaks them down which is todays photo.

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