A time for everything

By turnx3

Overhanging boughs

At church for ladies bible study this morning. We've had quite a few new people join us this year, and it was quite a big group this morning, yet there were still a lot of people missing. So if everyone was to come at the same time we would number about thirty four, which isn't so good for me, as, being rather quiet, I do better in a smaller group - I lose my confidence to share when the group becomes too big. Most of the other ladies don't have that problem! Anyway we'll see how it goes. I was going to go to the gym or swim today, but once again I got tempted by the beautiful weather and instead, went walking at Winton Woods. The weather's going to start changing tomorrow, and by the weekend we will have significantly cooler temperatures, so I had to make the most of today! It was so beautiful - the sun glistening on the water of the main lake, lovely cloud formations, birds singing and of course the glorious colors of Fall.

One year ago: Covered bridge

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