By ANDY597


Short update today as nothing much to report.

Holly and I watch the motor-racing with jOhn and chloe today, well sort of, john and I are watching the motor racing, holly and chloe have put their welly boots on and have gone away to splash in muddy puddles.

There is something particularly satisfying about jumping in muddy puddles and I would recommend that all adults do this at least twice a year and free their inner peppa pig.

The day is otherwise uneventful, i light a nice coal fire and connie has baked bread and made a nice roast dinner as dad and our new uncle eric is coming over for dinner.

Eric fits right in with the rest of my family. My little dog (who doesnt like strangers really) takes to him instantly and Ruby, who also doesnt like strangers decides that he is priveleged enough to play etch a sketch with and teaches him how to count to eleventeen until its time for her bed.

She even shows him her new heart shaped rug, furriness is very important when your three.

He has great stories and tells us about his tony curtis hair doo and various other different funny adecdotes along the way. I think I will spend a bit more time with this man, he is like fonzy, We're gonna be like three little Fonzies here, me, dad and eccy. And what's Fonzie like? Come on Connie what's Fonzie like? Cool.. Correctamundo

Abbie comes down stairs after practising her halloween make up and Eric's winning line is "oh I like what youve not done with your hair today"

She normally looks much scarier, its the most she has smiled in weeks but thats teenagers for you.

Oh and my camera is knackered, the memory card wont stay in properly despite being only a couple of weeks old. No happy.

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