By ANDY597

Scary babies

Bizarrely I seem sorer today than yesterday. Mostly over right shoulder and arm

Doesn't help that I have slept very well, cant seem to get comfortable and then when I was in a deep sleep, Connie made a noise like a cat trapping its tail in a door, therefore waking me in a panic and protect the home mode.

You know the kind, where you think my god woman are we being burgled, do i need to run downstairs brandishing a golf club or something. Is there ruffians in our home. Should I gather the children on the roof and wait for the fire brigade. Will there be hostages or do the intruders want the mr kipling cakes.

Turns out she was having a bad dream or something, bit of an anti climax.

It actually reminds me of the time that she was pregnant with Holly and she wakes up during the night screaming in pain, shouting help me Andy, help me... I go, are you in labour, she goes No, I have cramp in my leg..

Talk about false advertising.

Connie takes me to asda for the prescription that I didnt think I was going to need and the bairn and I survey the halloween isle.

How depraved are the people that buy this stuff, who in their right mind would think oh that baby looks the kind of thing I would like in my living room this season, the colours are so vibrant, that would look lovely next to the lamp.....

I am generally non judgemental, but there is some seriously weird people in asda, some should take off the masks, or some should put them back on.

Even stranger still, I suddenly loose all heat and feeling in my right fingers and its like my right hand is shopping the frozen food isle and my left hand is still looking at the hot chicken. It doesnt return until on the way home in the car and while Connie is driving I experiment with the zafira's sport button.

This does not seem to have an significant change apart from light up a little light on the button. I think that vauxhall have fitted a button to have "sport" with the people that buy such a hideous vehicle.

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